Link a CPS intake to a case
Process: Record the CPS intake decision
After you record the screening decision, you link the intake to a case record. You can link it to an existing case or create a new case record to which the intake is linked. When you create a new case, you only enter basic case information and assign the case to a worker. The worker will then record the full profile for the new case.
When you link an intake to an existing case or create a new case, the system performs the following actions:
If screened in, the system sets the case category to "Investigation" and the case status to "Open."
If you link the intake to a closed case, the system reopens the case.
If screened out, the system sets the case category to "N/A." The status of the existing case remains unchanged.
The agency of the worker who created the case becomes the owner of the case.
Link an intake to a new or existing case as follows:
On the CPS Intake Workload screen, review the list of intakes.
Intakes that are ready to be linked to a case have a link link for the record. This link appears for intakes for which the status is "Screened In" or "Screened Out."
Click link to the left of the Intake ID column. The Link Case screen appears.
Click next to the Case ID column and review the list of associated cases for intake participants.
Link the intake to an existing case or create a new case as follows:
To link this intake to an existing case, click link next to the case ID.
To create a new case for this intake, click Create Case. The Create Case screen appears where you create a new case record. The information in the intake record is carried over to the new case record.