Record the screening decision for a CPS intake

Process: Record the CPS intake decision

Record a screening decision as follows:

  1. On the Intake Workload screen, review the list of intakes.

  2. Click the decision link for the intake that needs a screening decision. The Decision Details screen appears. This screen displays the initial track and priority selections as submitted by the intake screener.

  3. In the Agree with Track field, select Yes if you agree with the track as submitted.

    If you do not agree, select No and then select a new track in the Override Track field.

  4. If you select Screened Out in the Override Track field, select the reason in the Screen Out Reason field.

  5. In the Track Comments field, enter additional information about the track you selected or the reason why you screened out the intake.

  6. In the Agree with Priority field, select Yes if you agree with the priority as submitted.

    If you do not agree, select No and then select a new priority in the Override Priority field.

  7. In the Priority Comments field, enter additional information about the priority you selected.

  8. Enter more information about your decision in the General Comments field.

  9. If you determine the intake needs more work by the intake screener, return the intake.

  10. If you approve the intake, click Submit Decision.

    If you are screening out the intake, the system changes the intake status to "Screened out." You are returned to the CPS Intake Workload screen.  

    If you are screening in, the system changes the status to "Submitted." The Non CPS Intake Screening Decision screen appears.      

  11. Click Next Task> below if you are ready to link the intake to a case.