Delete a person's address or contact information
Normally, when a person moves, you change the effective dates of the old address and add the new address. This ensures that the person’s address history accurately reflects the addresses that have been associated with the person. If you have recorded an incorrect address for a person profile, either by selecting the wrong address or by entering the incorrect information, you can delete the address.
Delete an address or contact information as follows:
Click the search header link to find the person record for the person.
In the Person Overview screen, click the Person Profile link. The Basic tab of the profile appears.
Click the Address tab. The Person Address screen appears.
If the address you want to delete is not the primary address, do this:
Click the delete link next to the address or contact information record you want to delete.
Click OK in the confirmation message. The address is removed from the person's profile and address history.
If the address you want to delete is the primary address, do this:
Add a new address and select it as the primary address. See Change a person's primary address.
Delete the incorrect address as in step 4 above.