Record a person's personal characteristics

Process: Record a health profile

Special needs describe the specific physical, mental, emotional, or behavioral disability affecting a person. These reflect self-reported or observed characteristics of a person and do not imply that diagnosis has been performed. Special needs that you record can assist workers when making placement decisions for a child.

Special needs occur in groups, such as a general need, DSM, and medical. If the child has multiple needs in different groups, you enter a separate record for each special need.

Record personal characteristics as follows:

  1. Click the Special Needs tab. The Special Needs screen appears.

  2. To enter a special need for the person, click Add Special Need. The Special Need Details screen appears.

  3. In the Special Need Group field, select the type of need. The remaining fields on the screen change based on the group you select.

  4. Complete the additional fields on this screen to document the special need.  

  5. If you need to enter a special caution related to the child's condition, click the Create Special Caution link. This link is available for the "Special Need" group only.

  6. Click Save. You are returned to the Self Reported/Observed Characteristic screen. The characteristic record you just added appears in the table.

  7. Click Next Task> below to continue.