Record a home description

Process: Record a home study

A home description summarizes the person's home environment, such as rooms, area schools, living conditions, neighborhood, and transportation.

Record a home description as follows:

  1. From the Home Study Topics screen, click the Home Environment link. The Home Environment screen Home Info tab appears.

  2. Complete the details on Home Info tab:

    1. Primary address and directions to the home

    2. Room information

    3. Local schools

    4. Home schooling plans

  3. Click the Living Conditions tab and complete the details.

    1. Description of family's home

    2. Smoking conditions

    3. Pet conditions

    4. Home business conditions

  4. Click the Outdoor/Neighborhood tab and complete the details.

    1. Outdoor home amenities

    2. Outdoor safety conditions

    3. Neighborhood conditions

  5. Click the Transportation tab and complete the details.

    1. Vehicle information

    2. Alternative transportation

  6. Click Save. You are returned to the Home Study Topics screen.

  7. See Record a resource home study for additional topics.