Record the SAFE family narratives
Process: Record a home study
The family description includes narratives that describe the applicants, other household members, and the overall support and situation of the family.
Record a family description as follows:
From the Home Study Topics screen, click the SAFE Family Narratives link. The SAFE Family Narratives screen Applicant tab appears.
Complete the details in the Narrative Topic table
Click the select link for each applicant for each topic heading. The Narrative Details screen appears.
Enter a complete description of the narrative topic for the applicant.
Click Save. You are returned to the Applicant tab.
Repeat steps 2 – 4 for each topic.
Click the Member tab and complete the member narratives.
Complete the narrative for each person under Other Children in the Home.
Complete the narrative for each person under Non-Applicant Adults in the Home.
Click the Resource Home tab and complete the narratives for each topic.
Click Close. You are returned to the Home Study Topics screen.
See Record a resource home study for additional topics.