Change a worker's role on an assignment

When a worker is assigned to a work item, he or she is given one or more roles on the work item. This role may be changed.

Follow these steps to change a worker's role.

  1. From the Home screen, click the Assignments tab. The Work Assignments screen appears.

  2. In the Assignments for field, select yourself or one of the other supervisors for whom you can act as a delegate.

  3. Click Show. The screen displays the workers assigned to the selected person.

  4. Click or the name link to view the work items assigned to the worker.

  5. Click select for an item that has already been assigned. The Employee Assignment screen appears.

  6. Under Assignment Roles, select the new roles the worker will perform on this work item.

  7. Clear the check box for any roles that are no longer in effect.

  8. Click Save. You are returned to the Work Assignments screen.

See also:

Assign a work item or workload

End an employee assignment

Delegate your assignments to another team leader