Assign a work item or workload to an employee

The system handles many work assignments automatically, such as assigning an intake to a screening decision maker. Other work item records, such as cases, are assigned manually.

A work item may be assigned to more than one employee at a time. It may also be assigned to more than one organization; however, the ownership of the work item is retained by the primary organization. You can also reassign an employee's workload or parts of the workload to other employees.

Assignment and reassignment occurs among employees within the same organization. If another organization is to take ownership, you transfer the work item. See Transfer a work assignment.

Follow these steps to assign a work item or workload.

  1. From the Home screen, click the Assignments tab. The Work Assignments screen appears.

  2. In the Assignments for field, select yourself or one of the other team leaders for whom you can act as a delegate.

  3. Click Show. The screen displays the employees assigned to the selected person.

  4. Click or the name link to view the work item categories assigned to the employee.

  5. Click select to assign the work item. The Employee Assignment screen appears.

  6. In the Begin Date field, enter the date the assignment begins.

  7. Under Assignment Roles, select each role this employee has for the work item. The available roles are those in the employee's security profile. See About security roles and access for more information about user roles.

  8. Select specific case members who are pertinent to the roles.

  9. Click Save. You are returned to the Work Assignments screen.

See also:

Change an employee's role on an assignment

End an employee assignment

Delegate your assignments to another team leader