Identify the case references
Process: Record a case profile
A caretaker is a person with whom the child resides or a person responsible for the child’s daily care. This includes, but is not limited to, the parent, guardian, custodian, or an employee of an out-of-home care setting. You can identify one primary and one secondary caretaker from the list of the currently active case members.
Depending on the practices of your organization, you can record any number of case reference IDs as part of this case record. A case reference ID is a number that has been assigned to this case, in addition to the TFACTS case ID. Your organization may require you to record other ID numbers, such as the organization ID.
Identify the case reference numbers as follows:
Click the Case Detail tab.
Click Add Case Reference. The Case Reference Details screens appears.
In the Reference Type field, select the type of record you are adding.
In the Reference Number field, enter the ID number for the reference.
Enter a description, if necessary.
Click OK. You are returned to the Case Detail tab.
Repeat steps 2 – 6 for each case reference you want to add.
Click Apply.
Click Next Task> below to continue.