Health - Health Services

This screen allows you to view, update, add, or delete details about the availability of the person's medical records, including any childhood illnesses, any treatments and any hospitalizations.  This screen also allows you to generate a report of completed health services.  

View and Update Health Services - Click the select link to view a health service and, given the proper security, update the health service information.

Add a Health Service - Click the Add Service button to launch the Health Service Details screen where, given the proper security, a new health service or treatment can be added.

Delete a Health Service - Click the delete link, which will only be present if you have the proper security, to delete the health service from the person's profile.

Generate a Health Service Summary - Click the Health Service Summary button to launch the Child Health Medical Summary screen that summarizes the treatments received (and completed) by the person.

How do I...

Record a health profile

Record health services

Fields on this screen


[PM05b s01]

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