Amend a service contract for a provider

If you need to change the dates of the contract or the contracted amount, you record an amendment to the contract.

Follow these steps to amend a service contract.

  1. From the Home screen, click Resource > Contracts. The Contracts screen appears.

  2. Enter filter criteria to display the contract you want to amend and click Filter. The matching contracts appear in the Contracts grid.

  3. Click amend for the contract record you want to amend. The Contract Details screen appears. The system enters the number in the Amendment Number box.  

  4. Enter or modify the contract details in the available fields.

  5. In the Amendment Reason list, select the reason for the amendment.

  6. Click Approval. The system sends the amendment record to the team leader for approval.

  7. Click Save. You are returned to the Contracts screen.

See also:

Add service costs to a resource contract

Record a service contract for a resource