Delete a child and family team meeting

After a Child and Family Team is marked complete, the meeting record can be deleted.   

Follow these steps to delete the record for a child and family team meeting.

  1. In the Home screen, click the Case tab. The Case Workload screen appears.

  2. Select the case you want to view. The Case Overview screen appears.

  3. Click the CFTM link. The Child and Family Team List screen appears.

  4. Click the CFTM Meetings tab. The Child and Family Team Meetings screen appears.

  5. If necessary, filter the displayed meetings.   

  6. Find the meeting record that needs to be deleted and click the delete link.

  7. In the confirmation message, click OK.

  8. Click Close. You are returned to the Case Overview screen.

See also:

Create a child and family team for a case or investigation

Schedule a child and family team meeting

Record child and family team meeting participants and outcomes