Record a permanency goal

See Hold a CFTM for entering Permanency Goals.  

All children receiving direct services from DCS will be assigned a Permanency Goal. This means that children that are a part of a CPS case, custodial case, probation/aftercare case will receive a permanency goal. Permanency Goals are assigned to each child, and every child can receive up to two permanency goals. Selecting the appropriate goal is essential since it will allow the system to determine what type of plan you are trying to create. For example if you select a ”non-custodial” type of permanency goal, the system will not require as much information to be completed compared to a plan that has a ”custodial” type of permanency goal.

These goals are then incorporated into the permanency plan. Do NOT assign permanency goals to parents, caretakers or other case members unless they are the child receiving direct services from DCS.

The goals that could be used for a child that is involved in a non-custodial case (such as CPS or FSW non-custody) are:

The goal that is available for all probation and aftercare cases is:

The goals that could be used for a youth receiving post-custody services are:

The goals that could be used for a child that is in state custody are:

If you select a custody type of goal you can enter recruitment activities by selecting the recruitment activities hyperlink. You would only record informal recruitment activities for a child who is NOT in full guardianship here. If the child is in full guardianship you would record recruitment activities in a different place within the adoption case.

If you select a goal of Adoption, Permanent Guardianship or Planned Permanent Living Arrangement (PPLA), you can identify the Permanent Family by clicking on the ”Link a resource” button.

Follow these steps to record the permanency goal for a child.  

  1. From the Home Workload screen, locate and Select an Ongoing Family case. The Case Overview screen appears.

  2. In the link menu, click the Permanency Goal link. The Permanency Goal List screen appears.

  3. In the For field, select the child for whom you want to record a goal.

  4. Click Add Permanency Goal. The Goal Detail screen appears.

  5. Complete at least the following fields:


    Note: The goal target date will determine when the Family Permanency Plan will expire once it has been linked to a plan.

  6. Click Save. You are returned to the Permanency Goal List screen.

  7. Repeat steps 5 – 8 to record another goal for a child in the case.

See also:

Record a family permanency plan  

About family permanency plans