Case Services Group

This screen allows you to view, add, or update the service records that are associated with a group of case members. Only unpaid case services may be assigned to groups of case members. (Paid services are associated only to individuals, not groups.) Services are tracked from initial assessment or investigation activities to case closure.

To view the details of a service, you must open it from the Case Services Individual tab, not from this tab. If the service was assigned in error and is still in "Needed" or "Planned" status, you can delete it for each individual from that tab as well.

Click Add Case Services  to record a service for a group of case members.

Click end service to end a service in "Provided" status for all participants assigned to the service.


How do I...

View service information

Record case services for case member groups

Record case services for individuals

End a service for a case member

Delete a service record

Fields on this screen


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