Case Recording Detail Page
The Case Recording Details page allows you to add a new case recording record or update details for an existing case recording that is in Draft status. Only the “Creator” of the recording OR the employee identified as “Recorded for” can update a case recording in Draft status and change the status of the recording to “Completed.”
After a case recording status is changed to "Completed" status, the details cannot be changed. However, you can create one or more addendums to a completed case recording to add additional details. Anyone can create an addendum to a case recording in “Completed” status.
If the recording was made in error, you can change the status of the recording to "Marked In Error" (only "Creator” of the recording OR the employee identified as “Recorded for“can mark a case recording in error). Recordings with a status of “Marked In Error” can be excluded from reports but will remain visible in the case record.
You have thirty (30) calendar days from the contact date (date contact occurred) to move the recording from “Draft” status. If the “Draft” recording is not moved to either “Completed” or “Marked In Error” status by the thirtieth (30th) calendar day, TFACTS will automatically set the status to “System Completed”. A case recording in “System Completed” status cannot be edited and will not be TCM (Targeted Case Management) billable.
Add an addendum to a case recording
Mark a case recording "In Error"
TFACTS Case Recording Contact Type and Methods Defined
[CM40 s02] (revised mon year)