About Person Management

In TFACTS, the records for a person are managed separately from the case, provider, or agency records associated with the person. The primary component of a person record is the person profile, which includes the person name, demographic details, addresses, and other information. Additionally, a child's person record may include a health profile and an education profile. The person record of an adult on a case may include a financial profile.

Person profiles

A person profile identifies a person by capturing the name, demographic details, and other information. The system allows you to record as little as a name or much more, including:

Address history
Reference numbers
Personal characteristics

Health history
Adoption history
Financial information

Education details
Legal status history
Military information

Once a person profile has been added to the system, workers can select the person for other types of work items or records, such as a case plan. Information about workers is also captured in a person profile record. If a person is involved with TFACTS at multiple times for different reasons, the system track the person's roles without duplicating person information.

Viewing person profiles

You can view a person profile when you do a person search from the search header link. You can also do a person search within other records, such as when you add case participants. See Find a person profile.

Adding and updating person profiles

You add a person within the context of a work item, such as a pending intake record, a case record, or a resource record. The system always requires you to conduct a search before you add a person to the system, to help prevent duplicate records. You can update a person profile only if you are assigned to the work item with which the person is associated, or if you have update rights to worker profiles. See Select or add a person record to a work item.

Health profiles

A health profile includes information about a person's health care providers, medications, immunizations, medical history, treatments, and more.

Medical information is captured for all children placed in a substitute care setting and in the legal custody of the Department. Only workers assigned to the case or resource with which the person is associated may record or update a health profile. See Record a health profile.  

Education profiles

Education information is captured for all children placed in a substitute care setting and in the legal custody of the Department. As an option, education information may be recorded for non-custody children. An education profile includes current details and histories of the following:

Only workers assigned to the case or resource with which the person is associated may record or update an education profile. See Record an education profile.

Financial profiles

The financial profile allows you to describe the income, expense, resource and employment information for a person who is in a case. You must capture income information for the parents, guardians, or custodians of any child who is in the legal custody of the Department. As an option, you may collect this information for other children.

Additionally, you must record the income and resources of a child who is in the custody of the Department. The system uses this information for determining IV-E eligibility for either Foster Care Maintenance or Adoption Assistance.  

Only workers assigned to the case or resource with which the person is associated may record or update a financial profile. See Record a financial profile.


You cannot delete an employment, income, expense or resource record. If the record is entered incorrectly, you must indicate the record was created in error. The record then appears in the financial profile screens as "incorrect" with the reason why it was invalidated. An invalid record cannot be updated further, although it may be viewed. See Invalidate a financial profile record.